Learning Experience Workshop at Riverside Learning Center

Two of the coordinators attended a four -day workshop at the Riverside Learning Center at Ahmedabad, where they delved into the ‘I CAN Approach’ to learning . This program focused on intentionally building both content and character. Throughout the training, they explored strategies such as designing effective morning meetings, implementing blackboard protocols, setting clear agendas, closing the loop and making learning visible and surplus. They also learned the importance of planning with purpose. After the workshop, they eagerly shared their insights and learning with the acharyas at CVM.

Empowering Our Educators

The facilitators of CVM, Karur, participated in an enriching two-day workshop titled “Vision in Action and Competency Building,”  led by Ms. Trayee Sinha, Director, Chettinad Educational Services.

This session provided facilitators with an opportunity to review and realign with the school’s vision. In her presentation, Ms. Sinha highlighted how purposeful actions can profoundly motivate and impact learners.

In addition to sharing insights into how the brain stores information, she stressed the importance of mind mapping as a learning tool. Criteria for creating effective mind maps were thoroughly discussed, offering practical techniques for maximising retention.

Overall, the workshop provided strategies to support and align with the school’s vision, encouraging meaningful growth as a team. The facilitators deeply appreciated this session, finding it both inspiring and helpful for their journey to nurture purposeful development within the school community.

Goals of National Curriculum Framework – Foundation stage

P.Geetha, V.S.Pavithra, and G.Narmadha attended the session on Goals of National Curriculum

  • Framework – Foundation stage
  • The workshop gave a clear view of Balvatika and Jadui pitara. The highlights of the workshop were
  • Concept of Balvatika – Preparing students for cognitive and linguistic competencies.
  • Affiliation Bye-laws.
  • Panchakosha Vikas ( Give fold development)
  • Curricular goals for five koshas were discussed in detail.
  • Types of lesson planning – Teacher-directed, teacher-guided, and child-led activities.
  • Panchaadi learning process – Aditi, Bodh, Abhyas, Prayog, Prasar
  • Assessment – Gathering information from different sources ( parents, other teachers, and peers)
  • ECCE -Early childhood care and education
  • Fundamental principles of NCF
  • Details about circulars – Clarification regarding the number of permissible sessions, various categories of affiliation for the session 2024 -25 in SARAS 4.0
  • Jadui Pitara (Magic box) –  A collection of teaching learning materials was introduced by NCERT for teaching learning purposes. It includes poem posters, story cards, tracing cards, puppets, etc
  • State / regional specific customization of toy-based learning – includes mud toys, wooden toys, and palm tree products.
  • Digital version of Jadui Pitara’

Teacher Training Programmes Foundation Stage

Adolescence Education

E.Indhumathi and S.Vanitha attended the Adolescence education on August 17thand 18th.
Adolescence education program for teachers was conducted by CBSE which spoke about the period of transition from childhood to adolescence during which cognitive, physical, personality, and social changes occur with adolescents. We gained an insight into physical changes like bones, organs and body system, sleep patterns, and mensuration. Social and emotional characteristics like labile emotions, personal identity, peer relationship, independence, self-centred attitude and socialization were also dealt with, in detail. They also focused on bullying, body shaming and physical changes they undergo and the ways to take care of themselves. Placing ourselves in the position of the students by connecting with our adolescence in the past was effective for our better understanding and to reflect. Many video clippings were highly effective. The session ended with a discussion on the elements of Child centric School like non- judgmental, ignite varied skills, no labelling, empathetic, equality, bliss and safety by implementing anti bullying policies and fostering a positive school culture.

CBSE Capacity Building Programme

Capacity Building Program

S.Vanitha attended the session about the Capacity Building Program -Business Studies PSG School, Coimbatore- The capacity building program for teachers fostered a comprehensive understanding of curriculum, syllabus, question patterns, and enriched resources, empowering educators for effective pedagogy.

Capacity Building Program -Business Studies PSG School

S.Uma has attended the Capacity Building Program. Through this session, we understand the gist of the national curriculum framework for the foundational stage. This session helped me to create a lesson plan to reach the expectations of NCF.

Capacity Building Program session

XSEED Session

XSEED sessions are held frequently to assess the teaching methodologies of Acharyas and to update if any necessary changes take place in the curriculum. In such a way, this session focused on elucidating the importance of three key skills and their sub-skills necessary for facilitators in the 21st century, providing clarity on lesson planning. The framework discussed proved beneficial for classroom management, emphasizing the importance of understanding, solving, and communicating skills along with the 5 As of Xseed. The session stood out for its innovative approach, introducing new concepts like the 4 A’s for feedback and giving constructive feedback for the classes demonstrated. Participants gained valuable knowledge about the updated XSEED methods.

Xseed Session at CVM


ASSET is a skill based test that measures student’s conceptual understanding.

Mrs. Gomathi, from Educational Initiatives conducted a session for teachers on Post Analysis of ASSET. The session aimed to discuss how the test helps students develop their conceptual understanding.

ASSET test at CVM for conceptual understanding

A Keen Observation

Ms. Chitra D, Ms. Chitra K, Ms. Sangeetha A and Ms. Uma S – Kindergarten teachers visited Hari Shree Vidyalayam, Chennai. The focus of the visit was to observe the classes and understand the integration of art and music in to the curriculum.

CVM teachers visited Hari Shree Vidyalayam

Hubs of Learning

CVM is a Hub of Learning in the Karur region. Teachers from the Department of English and Science demonstrated teaching strategies to teachers of various schools in the region.

CVM a hub of learning

CVM Teacher teaching other teachers

Interactive leacture with other teachers


Ms. Indhumathi E, the Head – Department of ICT, attended a two-day training program on “Machine Learning using Python” organized by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Coimbatore.

MSME Organized program of ML using python

A Session for the Principals

Ms. Vidhya M.S. Principal, attended a session on “Confluence of School Leaders” at Kovai Sahodaya School Complex.

A Session of the principals

Confluence of School Leaders session

Session of principals on confluence of school leaders


Ms. Lillyvimala A, Ms. Divya T , Ms. Vanitha S, Ms. Renuka R were a part of Utsav at Hari Shree Vidhyalayam in Chennai.

Teacher participating in UTSAV at Hari Shree Vidhyalayam

CVM teachers co ordinating with other school students

CVM School teachers playing orchestra in UTSAV Program

Puppet Show presented by CVM Teachers

Group picture of CVm teachers at Hari Shree vidyalayam

Students joining UTSAV Event

A Conference by XSEED

Teachers of primary school participated in the conference on “Writing Skills”.

A Conference by XSEED at CVM

Conference on Writing Skills in CVM

CVM Teacher taking part in conference

Value Education Session

Ms. Vidhya M.S., Principal of CVM was a resource person during a session on “Value Education” at The Rajas International School in Nagarkovil.

Value Education Sessions at Rajas International School

Principal of CVM visited Value education session

All teachers gathering at Rajas International School

Utsav – A Sharing

Mr.Thirumoorthy and Ms.Sangeetha shared their experiences at UTSAV organized at Hari Shree Vidyalayam, Chennai.

CVM teacher sharing UTSAV experience with other teachers

UTSAV Event Knowledge sharing with teachers at CVM

CVM teachers discussing events of UTSAV

Purna Vidya classes

Ms. Padmaja from Hari Shree Vidyalayam, Chennai observed the teaching-learning process in CVM.

Purna Vidya classes at CVM

Teachers from Hari Shree Vidyalayam observed the learning process in CVM

Teachers discussing about Purna Vidya Classes at CVM

Micro-teaching – Mr. S. Mohan Kumar

Mr. Mohan Kumar from the Department of Tamil conducted micro-teaching session for teachers.

Micro Teaching at CVM

CVM paticipated in micro teaching sessions

micro-teaching session for teachers by Department of Tamil

Zoom Conference- XSEED

An online session by XSEED was conducted on effective teaching strategies.

online session by XSEED

Session on effective teaching strategies

Neel Kathaigal

Five primary school teachers attended a session on Neel Kathaigal at CVM, Coimbatore.

Neel Kathaigal at CVM

teachers attended a session on Neel Kathaigal

Neel Kathaigal session at CVM

UTSAV 2019-’20

Mr. Thirumoorthy and Ms. Sangeetha from CVM attended the Utsav sessions in Hari Shree Vidyalayam, Chennai.

School girl showing creativity at UTSAV

Students Involving with teachers at UTDAV

Learning stuff at UTSAV

Teachers showing art work at UTSAV

Stress Relief Program

The plan to conduct a stress-relief program for the teaching fraternity took shape during the session on healthy living.

Stress relief program for teachers

Stress relief program at CVM

Teachers participating in Stress relief

Teachers enrolling for Stress relief program

CVM teachers enjoying Stress relief program

Teacher doing Yoga in Stress relief program

A Workshop

Ms. Renganayaki and Mr. Saravanan from the Department of Tamil, attended a workshop at PSG School, Coimbatore.

workshop at PSG School

Department of Tamil organized a workshop at PSG School

Strengthening Assessment

Ms. Vidhya M.S, Principal and Ms. N. Priyadharshini from the department of Mathematics attended a session on “Strengthening Assessment” @ PSG Public School, Coimbatore. The learning and strategies from the workshop were shared with the teachers of C.V.M.

CVM Teacher Attending workshop

department of Mathematics attended a session on “Strengthening Assessment

Strengthening Assessment” @ PSG Public School

Strengthening Assessment – Sharing Session

Strengthening Assessment – Sharing Session

Sharing Strengthening Assessment with CVM teachers

Capacity Building Program

Mr. N. Muthusamy and Mrs. Shika Alias Bersom from the department of Social Science attended a one day session on ‘Capacity Building Programme for Secondary School teachers in Social Science’ conducted by Kovai Sahodaya Schools Complex. The session addressed the teaching methodologies adopted in teaching Social Science.

Capacity building program

Capacity Building Program for teaching methodologies

“Multidisciplinary Approach to Indian History”

Our teachers, Ms. Sandhiya Rani, Vanitha, Shika, Kalaivani and Renuga attended a workshop on “Multidisciplinary Approach to Indian History” at Cochin.

workshop at Multidisciplinary Approach to Indian History

“Ethics and Integrity”

Ms. Thilagam and Mr. Jayaprakash attended a session on “Ethics and Integrity” in Yuvabharathi Public School, Coimbatore. The session aimed at blending Ethics and Integrity not only into the subjects, but also into everyday life.

CVM teachers participating in Session on Ethics and Integrity

Session on Ethics and Integrity at Yuvabharti Public School

Micro Teaching

“Plan, Teach, Observe, Re-plan, Re-teach and Re-observe” was the focus of the microteaching session conducted by Ms. Vanitha, Ms. M. Lekha and Ms. T. Diya of primary school. The purpose of the session was to teach-each-other and learn-from-each-other.

Micro Teaching Session

micro teaching section to teach each other

Micro teaching session for learning from each other

Micro Teaching “Plan, Teach, Observe

Circle Time

Teachers of primary school conducted a circle time to discuss strategies for correction of workbooks and notebooks of grades I and II.

circle time to discuss strategies for correction of workbooks

A Practice of Accounting

Ms. Pandimeena, a faculty of CVM attended a workshop on “Accountancy” @ Kovai Sahodaya Complex in Coimbatore.

a faculty of CVM attended a workshop on “Accountancy”

Value Based Education

Mr. N. Muthuswamy and Ms. Kalaivani of CVM attended a session on the need for value-based education and the importance of inculcating good values in the youth of today.

Value Based Education Session

A Session on Value Based Education at CVM

Artificial Intelligence

Ms. Revathi and Ms. Renuga participated in a workshop on “Artificial Intelligence” in P.S.G.R. Krishnammal College for women, Coimbatore.

A workshop on “Artificial Intelligence” in P.S.G.R. Krishnammal College


Teachers attended a workshop on Capacity Building in English Language Improvement Program at Om Sadhana Central School, Madurai. The program aimed at enhancing the skills of the teachers to adopt advanced teaching methodologies in the classrooms.

workshop on Capacity Building in E.L.I.P.

English Language Improvement Program at Om Sadhana Central School,

A workshop on English Language Improvement Program

Teachers Gathering after E.L.I.P.

Global Citizenship Program

Mr. Gowtham and Vimal conducted a session on the Global Citizenship Program to guide guided the teachers towards effective conduct and meaningful implementation of the Global Citizenship program.

Global Citizenship Program

Mr. Gowtham and Vimal at Global Citizenship program

guided the teachers towards effective Global Citizenship program.

Conducted a session on Global Citizenship Program at CVM

Vedic Heritage

The Principal and teachers attended ‘The Vedic Heritage program’ in Purna Vidya Ashram, Coimbatore.

Vedic Heritage program

teachers attended ‘The Vedic Heritage program’ in Purna Vidya Ashram

Classroom Management

Ms. Lisha and Mr. Ravi attended a session in Navodaya Academy, Namakkal on Classroom Management.

a session in Navodaya Academy

A session on classrom management

Capacity Building Program

A few teachers of the school participated in the capacity-building program in Senthil Public School, Salem.

capacity-building program

teachers participated in the capacity-building program

capacity-building program in Senthil Public School

Teachers participated in capacity building program at Senthil public school

Certificates on Capacity building program


Mrs. Lilly Vimala conducted a micro-teaching session for the teachers of the department of Science aimed at improving the quality of teaching.

Micro teaching sessions at CVM

micro-teaching session for improving the quality of teaching.

micro-teaching session for the teachers of the department of Science

Mrs. Lilly Vimala conducted a micro-teaching session

A Session of Revelation

Teachers attended a professional development session by Mr. Manivannan. A systematic approach to understanding the process of the growth of the child was the core of the session.

A Session of Revelation

A professional development session by Mr. Manivannan

Teachers attended a professional development session

Teacher Attended a session of Revelation

Teachers Learning from session at CVM

understanding the process of the growth of the child was the core of the session.

A professional development session at CVM

CVM teachers participating in session of revelation

Teachers sharing experience of the session

Awakened Citizenship Program

Mr.Manivel, Mr.Thirumoorthy, Ms.Karthika, Ms.Kalaivani and Ms.Shikha attended a workshop conducted by Ramakrishna Mission, Chennai on awakened Citizenship Program

Awakened Citizenship Program

A workshop conducted by Ramakrishna Mission at CVM

A Workshop on Awakened citizenship program in CVM

At CVM teachers understanding the Awakened Citizenship Program

Group picture of CVM teachers after the workshop


Mr. Elayaraja and Mr.Jayaprakash attended a workshop on ‘Photography’ in Chettinad Hari Shree Vidyalayam, Chennai. The session facilitated by Mr. Ramnath, a film maker was aimed at imparting techniques of photography which was shared with the other teachers of CVM.

A workshop on ‘Photography

CVM Teachers attended a workshop on ‘Photography’ in Chettinad Hari Shree Vidyalayam

A Photography Session by CVM teachers

The techniques on Photography were shared with the other teachers in the school.

Technique of photography shared with CVM teachers

CVM teachers understanding production shooting

Photography techniques Chettinashared at d Hari Shree Vidyalayam

Book Reading

The K.G. teachers engaged in a Book Reading session on Effective Teaching of Mathematics to share different dimensions of teaching math to the students.

CVM, K.G. teachers engaged in a Book Reading session

An Invitation for Reflection and Contemplation

Ms. Lilly Vimala, Ms. Divya T and Ms. Gayathri attended a session in Coimbatore on Teacher Effectiveness. The session was enriching and resourceful.

CVM teachers a session in Coimbatore on Teacher Effectiveness.