Chettinad Vidya Mandir is managed by the Chettinad Group under the auspices of the Rani Meyyammai Achi of Chettinad Charitable Trust. From 1956 until now, several schools have been established by the Chettinad family and many of them are functioning as charitable institutions.
Chettinad Vidya Mandir was founded in 2000 as Rajah Muthiah matriculation school with an aim to provide quality education for children. As we developed, the school was renamed Chettinad Vidya Mandir in 2008 with a vision to create a joyful learning environment for children while being rooted to their culture. For the past 21 years we have been committed to children’s development in all aspects – physical, emotional, intellectual, social, ethical, and spiritual.
We aim to enable children to become compassionate and responsible global citizens, to think globally and act locally, contributing towards a sustainable future. Our focus is to shift from ‘I’ to ‘we’, ‘me’ to ‘us’ and ‘my’ to ‘our’.
The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi (CBSE).
Chettinad Vidya Mandir at present has 1000 students and a team of about 100 staff. Growing from strength to strength, the institution is dedicated to offering the best to every member of the CVM family